Monday, 28 May 2012

What Next?

We've had a wonderful summer!

Our Geography themed story session - Around the World in 7 Stories has had a fabulous response and has been a resounding success across bookstores in Mumbai. Our eager participants and their parents have been asking us "What Next?"

Well, as the next step, we plan to setup "The Story Place Nook" in Mumbai city. At our Nook, we will tell stories and continue taking children into the enchanting world of stories. And through those stories we'll teach them a little bit of Math, Science, History and Geography. It's going to be a lot of fun and exploration combined with some bits of hands-on activities and experiments.

Do let us know what you think about our plan, and if you would like your kids to become members of our Nook.

Your feedback and thoughts are very valuable to us, and will help us move our little dream to the next phase. So please do spare a minute and write your thoughts in the comment box, and of course please pass the word around :-)

Thanking you in advance.
The Story Place Team


  1. That is a wonderful idea! I think I would lov eto bring my son there for sure :)

    Just one question, is it ok to bring my 2 yr old for your story teeing sessions?

  2. Yes, Veens, please do. We believe that children are sponges, and will absorb as much as they can :)

    1. We have a Phonics Story Demo session on Sat, 23rd June, do come for that. Check our FB page for more details.

  3. Yes, I saw that and that is why wanted to make sure it was ok to bring mine along. He fidgets a lot, but then I want him to be ale to listen in... tune in to good things :)
